CV / Resume

JESSICA DOLCY           

MBA, Fulbright Scholar, & Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund recipient. English, Haitian Creole, French.


Franglais Management - Founder                                                

Client Services

Client: US Department of Transportation – US Merchant Marines Academy (USMMA)

Services Performed: Manage the cycle consisting of collection and laundering of various linens from the US Merchant Marines Academy Linen Locker for an estimated 800 midshipmen/students

Client: Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis

Services Performed: Performed Kreyòl to English language translations and interpretations of qualitative data activities including Focus Group Discussion and Key Informant Interviews

Client : Town of Hempstead Department of Occupational Resources

Services Performed:
Capacity Building and Workshop Facilitation

Conduct monthly capacity building training series to groups of participating adults under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Course selections include: Financial Literacy, Communications, and Writing..

Client : Help for Haiti

Services Performed:
Technical Advising – Business Development and Grant Administration

Research and identify potential sources of funding, including grants, donations, sponsorships, and partnerships, that align with the organizations mission and projects. Identify and establish partnerships with other NGOs, governmental bodies, corporations, and institutions. Collaborate with the NGO's leadership to develop short-term and long-term business development strategies, including setting goals, timelines, and performance metrics.

Technical Advising – Monitoring Evaluations Assessments and Learnings (MEAL)

Redesign and redevelop M&E frameworks and methodologies tailored to the One Hen Adult Education Program (OHAEP) program, ensuring alignment with project objectives and donor requirements. Provide training and capacity building support to project staff and stakeholders on M&E concepts, tools, and techniques. Oversee data collection efforts, including qualitative and quantitative data gathering, surveys, interviews, focus groups, and participatory methods.

Client : Beyond Borders

Services Performed:
Technical Advising - Financial Report and Narrative Writing

Highlight the outcomes and impact of the NGO's projects by connecting financial data with measurable results. Collaborate with program and evaluation teams to measure and communicate the impact of the NGO's work to donor partners. Provide training and guidance to NGO staff members on financial reporting best practices to improve internal understanding and communication of financial data.

Client : Tear Fund

Services Performed:
Country Strategy Evaluation (Haiti)

Assessing the impact of the Haiti Country Strategy on partners and beneficiaries identifying areas of achievement and challenges faced. Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Haiti Country Strategy in terms of achieving its objectives and Capturing key learnings.

Client: Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)

Services :

The purpose of this evaluation was to capitalize on the experience in Haiti by assessing the overall success of the emergency response and to evaluate the project’s relevance, appropriateness, effectiveness (including timeliness) and coherence in relation to agreed norms and standards for disaster response in humanitarian settings.

Client: Christian Aid

Services :
Post-Earthquake Assessment – Survivor and Community Led Response (SCLR)

Conduct a learning review that will serve as a mid-point in the Haiti response and will inform future response (Phase Two) where SCLR may be scaled up. Specifically, the Analysis aimed to: 1) Evaluate the effectiveness of the SCLR approach and overall intervention to inform the Second Phase of the response 2) Build evidence of effectiveness for people-cantered approaches and accountability 3) Influence the sector in Haiti and global level on use of SCLR and accountability.

Client: Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI)

Services :
Lessons Learned Researcher Consultant - USAID funded WatSan (Water and Sanitation)

Assessment of $40M WASH Project experience in five key learning areas: Use of Adaptive Management; Identifying and leveraging known tools; Focusing on system-strengthening rather than infrastructure; Application of standard USAID WASH indicators; and Donor Coordination. Qualitative data gathering activities with DINEPA section directors; OREPA Centre, Nord, and Ouest; 5 intervening CTE bureaus and local PME beneficiaries. Authored four deliverables: Inception Report, 2 Interview syntheses, Final Report consisting of multiple Project case studies in the 5 key learning areas. (2021)

Client: Innovators for Change

Services :
Disability Inclusion landscape analysis in Haiti
Development of qualitative data assessment tools including questionnaire guides for target demographic groups; conducted individual interviews with Secretaries and other government representatives, CBO leadership, and INGO leadership. Participated in focus groups of local CBOs and beneficiaries throughout multiple rural zones; co-authored paper that presented findings of research conducted with beneficiaries, local, and international actors, women’s groups, and parents/caregivers (2020 – 2021)

Client: Haitian Education and Leadership Program (HELP)
Services :
Personal Financial Management Workshop
Created learning materials presentations that lead to facilitation of digital workshop on Personal Financial Management tailored to young women in the Fanm Racine Lakay leadership development program (2020)

Client: Private Investor Project

Services :
Haitian traditional medicines (herbs and teas)
Preliminary research on Haitian traditional medicinal practices and herbs. Background research on US based potential investor and relationship partners (2020)

Client: 121 Consulting
Services :
Commercial kitchen feasibility study
Development of preliminary investment proposal package that included site visits, interviews with local stakeholders, commercial and community kitchen sector research and investor development profiles (2019-2020)

Client: l’Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti (ESIH)

Services :
Authored baseline assessment report for the EMINENT project- a Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions throughout Haiti.

Client: YWCA Haiti

Services :
Evaluation of the 2015-2018 Strategic Program Plan
Utilized DAC framework to conduct both quantitative and qualitative assessment of key programs “My Safe Space”, “Leadership Academy”, and Afterschool Program. (2019). Activities included focus groups with female adolescents, parents, designated YWCA staff, and funding organization based in European Union.

Client: 3x3 DesignCo

Services :

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for Aytitic Goes Global: conduct Haiti based qualitative monitoring assessments in the form of focus groups (over 100 beneficiaries interviewed) and one-on-one interviews of young women in at-risk communities and project facilitators; baseline data analyses; various report submissions for internal discussion amongst multi-party and international implementation team (2018 – 2019)

Client: Fonkoze

Services :
Fonkoze AKAT (Community Lead Total Sanitation) – Social Impact Evaluator for USAID funded WASH program:
Trained group of local enumerators on qualitative data gathering techniques; lead and managed rural data gathering fieldtrips in rural sites ; collated and analyzed findings; composed project evaluation in written format; presented findings to local and international stakeholders in a panel presentation (2018)

Client: Fonkoze

Services :
Fonkoze Boutik Sante – redesign of a livelihood and economic development micro franchise program – engaged with US based consultant team to carry out field assessments in rural, semi-rural, and urban sites throughout the North and North East departments; conducted semi-structured interview INGOs; conducted financial performance evaluations; submitted revised operational strategy and action plan (2018-2019)

Client: CASELI

Services :
Women’s Economic Participation Consortium - Strategy Consultant and Business Plan development: 3/4 of the teams successfully received funding awards (2018-2019)

Non Consulting Experience

Yunus Social Business Haiti                                   03/2016 – 11/2017                                                      

Head of Portfolio       

Monitoring and Evaluation

Provided day-to-day oversight and management of program performance to ensure program implementation achieves planned results

Developed clear and concise MEAL plans in coordination with the global HQ team

Tracked, revised, and reported on indicators of results to ensure that measurements of progress accurately and clearly described the objectives of the program and the results achieved. 

Portfolio Management

Cultivate relationships with beneficiaries in the portfolio ($2+ million ) in order to support and grow their respective businesses

Evaluate the social and financial impacts, according to donor mandates

Relationship building and management with governmental, private, and public sector stakeholders in Haiti in order to best provide win-win plans and strategies


Perform due diligence and ensure legalization compliance according to local laws

Validation of the business and financial model

Packaging of financing structure (equity and debt), preparation and negotiation of term sheets and contracts

Capacity Building

Implementation of the Accelerator Program

Organization of the workshops and the coaching of participatory individuals in both Port-au-Prince and secondary cities

Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL)                  12/2015 – 03/2016                                  

(Consultant) Program Manager – Ekolakay Composting Toilet Program

Developed the market strategy for growing clientele base for the Port-au-Prince office and Cap Hatitien offices

Managed the overall program implementation according to the 2015-2016 American Red Cross project guidelines

Chaired the local marketing team meetings and liaised with the Cap Haïtien office to foster promotional synergies

Ministere du Commerce et  de l’Industrie                             09/2013 – 05/2014                                       

 Fulbright Fellow

Developed an internship program for local college students. Authored the proposal, devised budget, contacted local NGOs and private firms to serve as local partners, and international foundations for partnerships and sponsoring

Conducted financial analyses on submitted business proposals from prospective PMSME entrepreneurs

Participated in simulations/mock interviews with young and developing business-people

Served as a research associate to assess feasibility of developing markets in the Haitian diaspora of the US in association with the Haitian Fulbright Alumni Association


FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS                                                      New York, New York   

MBA, Management Systems and Global Sustainability                                                                                                 May 2012

PACE UNIVERSITY, LUBIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS                                                                         New York, New York

BBA Marketing                                                                                                                                                              May 2007


PEKING UNIVERSITY Beijing International MBA (BiMBA) Exchange Program, 2011                                   Beijing, China                                                                             

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2006                                         Sydney, Australia